What is Bipolar Disorder?
What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings, specifically containing extreme emotional highs and lows. It was earlier referred to as Manic Depression.This disorder causes unusual shifts in mood, activity levels, energy etc. These moods can range from being elated for energy to very down, indifferent or hopeless details known as manic episodes.
Manic Episode
The following symptoms mark Mania: –
• Racing thoughts and indulgence in multiple projects simultaneously
• Overly distracted and restless
• Sleeping little or not being tired
• Unrealistic belief in self-abilities
• Engagement in impulsively and pleasurable high-risk activities
• Extreme irritability or aggressive
• An extremely happy or outgoing mood
• Self-harming behaviours or suicidal thoughts

A milder form of Mania, hypomania has the following symptoms: –

• Increased distraction or excessive goal-driven behaviour
• Impulsiveness and involvement in high-risk activities
• Increased and noticeable agitation or restlessness
• Racing thoughts feeling
• A surreal sense of superiority

• Sleep deprivation
• Unusual talkativeness and excitability
• Drained off energy
• A problem in concentrating, memorizing, and making decisions
• Restlessness and irritability
It has to be noted that people with bipolar disorder generally have periods of neutral mood as well. These periods show no emotion whatsoever in the patient, and it may seem that the patient is not suffering from any specific issue.Mostly bipolar disorder can disrupt a person’s relationship with their loved ones and disturb the daily aspects of a person’s life. It affects a person’s willingness to interact with others in their environment, comfort level with the people who spend time with the patient or perhaps deal with them academically or professionally.
Bipolar Disorder Can Be Categorized Into Three Different Diagnoses
• Bipolar I
• Bipolar II
• Cyclothymic disorder
The disease commonly runs in families as it has been noted widely that 80-90% of individuals with bipolar disorder have one or two relatives with bipolar disorder or depression. Certain environmental factors such as stress, sleep disruption, and drugs and alcohol abuse effectively trigger mood episodes in vulnerable people.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder

• Jumpy or wired behaviour
• Increased activity
• Energy or agitation
• Overly sense of well-being and self-confidence (commonly known as Euphoria)
• Decreased need for sleep
• Poor decision making
• Unusual talkativeness
Described above are both the most common and major symptoms of Bipolar order. A Manic and hypomanic episode can include three or more of them. At the same time, depressive episodes may consist of five or more symptoms.

Treatment Approach Towards Bipolar Disorder
Timely diagnosis and right treatment effectively assist people with bipolar disorder lead sober and active life. Having a frequent conversation with doctors or other licensed healthcare providers in the related field is the initial step. The Healthcare provider then can complete the physical exam and order necessary medical test to rule out the other conditions.
Mental health evaluation of bipolar disorder patient is very important. It is undertaken by a trained health care provider such as a psychiatrist, counsellor, physician or psychologist with experience in diagnosing and treating this issue. Despite the severity mentioned earlier that the bipolar disorder has presented, coma treatment can help many people control the Manic and hypomanic episodes resulting from this disorder.
An effective treatment plan is a combination of psychotherapy medication, commonly known as talk therapy.What Happens If Timely Treatment Is Not Given To The Patient?
If not treated properly, bipolar disorder can turn into a lifelong illness. The episodes of Mania and depression can typically come back over time even if the person has not or is not likely to experience these episodes after having a temporary solution and practically applying it.
It has been noticed in many surveys that several people with bipolar disorder do not experience mood changes between attack episodes. However, some people demonstrate persistent symptoms. Ongoing treatment on long term has proved to be effective in managing disorder condition.

Why Treatment At Rehab For Bipolar Disorder?
Apart from medications and therapies, rehabilitation also forms a part of the most effective long-term treatment for bipolar disorder. It includes residential rehabilitation as well as follow on care and counselling. Residential Rehab centres provide a living facility to an individual while simultaneously receiving care for their issue. Many Rehab centres conduct group therapies of family programs and individual therapy. The centres provide many advantages such as Holistic treatment, monitoring, prevention of relapse, building a support network, etc., for the patient’s benefit.
What is Bipolar Disorder?

What is Bipolar Disorder?


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